Welcome back!

And the Lord added to their number day by day….

Acts 2:47

Precious Parents,

Welcome to all the new families and welcome back to all of our returning families! What an amazing start to the 2018-2019 school year! It is so wonderful to hear all the noises of children in the hallways again! The Lord has blessed NTA with a great increase in enrollment this year and we are so grateful for the opportunity to serve more children! Our physical plant can only hold approximately 450 students from pre-school through twelfth grade and we are at almost at 420 students! Much of this growth took place in the two weeks before school started which resulted in growing pains. Changes were needed in the master schedule to accommodate more students and that led to the need for extra full and part-time faculty. The ladies in the front office worked diligently (well past closing time) to enter all of the new families into RenWeb before the start date of school so that teachers could have correct rosters and no student’s name would be left off of a class list! Again, all of this in a couple of weeks before school started! 

Another area of the campus that has been impacted by the sudden growth is pick-up and drop-off areas. We are working to make it as smooth as possible but with more children it is going to take extra time and patience. Please note that numbered parking spaces near the school are assigned to student drivers. It has been our experience over the years that pick-up gets faster with time as families get accustomed to the procedures and patterns. I am asking returning families and new families to be patient with one another and with NTA faculty while in the line picking up your children. Your children’s safety is our main priority and concern. I can assure you that we are assessing the amount of time drop-off and pick-up is taking and will make any necessary changes needed to make it as smooth as possible. 

We are so thankful that you chose NTA to partner with you in the education of your children.


R McLamb